Hongchuan Party Committee to carry out special examination activities
According to the arrangement of the theme party day activities in October, the Hongchuan Party Committee carried out the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and the content of smuggling evils, and carried out special examination activities through various methods online and offline. On the one hand, the party members of the branch organization concentrate on learning, clarify the specific content and learning methods, and urge party members to learn the original text of the Regulations and to eliminate evil content; on the other hand, through the intelligent party building platform independently developed by Hongchuan, “online examination” "All members of the party are required to enter the system to answer questions online to ensure that learning is effective."
Taicang Yanghong won the second prize of "Large Thought Liberation, Reform and Departure"
On October 23, the Taicang Yanghong team participated in the “Ideologically Emancipated, Reformed and Departed” Lang reader event sponsored by the Party Committee of Taicang Port and the Party Committee of Fuqiao Town, and won the second prize.
Taicang City Federation of Trade Unions launches 5+X theme party day event in Taicang Yanghong
On October 10th, the Taicang City Federation of Trade Unions launched the 5+X theme party day event of “Party and Workers Co-construction and Integration Development” in Taicang Yanghong Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Party cadres such as the Municipal Procuratorate, the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau, and the Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs Office conducted on-site observations.
Comrade Lu Jianping, Secretary of the Party Branch of Taicang Yanghong, was awarded the honorary title of “Top Ten Pioneers of Non-Public Enterprises in 2018” by Suzhou City.
Recently, Lu Jianping, secretary of the Party Branch of Taicang Yanghong Petrochemical Co., Ltd., was awarded the honorary title of “Top Ten Pioneers of Non-Public Ownership Enterprises in 2018” in Suzhou.
Hongchuan organization cleans up Green Lotus Environmental Volunteer Service
Affected by the "Hawthorn" typhoon, some trees in the Green Lotus community have been overturned and damaged to varying degrees. They are not blown off branches, or are uprooted, blocking the passage of the community, affecting the cleanliness and beauty of the community.
Hongchuan Party Committee Launches Party History Education Activities
In order to remember the history of "September 18th", don't forget the national humiliation. On September 18, 2018, the Hongchuan Party Committee launched the third quarter party class, invited the members of the municipal party committee and the professor of Dongguan University of Science and Technology to visit the enterprise as the historical mission of the Communist Party of China. The party class report. The Party branch of the headquarters, the branch of the New Materials Party, the Party branch of the Jialejia Party, and 45 party members of the Foshan Hongchuan Party Branch and the party activists participated in the study.
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