The party building work of the group was elected as a municipal demonstration project and a party building demonstration site.
On December 2, 2014, the Dongguan Municipal Enterprise Working Committee organized a symposium on the construction of the city's enterprise party building demonstration project. The party building work of the group was selected as one of the five party building demonstration projects in Dongguan.
Love to help students, to convey the true feelings - remember the group party general branch
On November 6, 2014, the party general branch of the group entered the Dongan Primary School and Huangcun Primary School in Guitou Town, Ruyuan Yaoyuan Autonomous County, Shaoguan City.
Do a good job in all kinds of work, and strive to build a benchmark trade union - the group trade unions greet the Dongguan City Federation of Trade Unions
On the morning of September 29, 2014, Vice Chairman of the Dongguan Municipal Federation of Trade Unions He Zhixiong, Li Yaozhen, He Jilin and Vice Chairman of the Songshan Lake Trade Union Confederation Xie Xiaoqing and Luo Wei and his team went to our company to inspect the work of the trade union; Liu Yan, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Group The trade union chairman Gan Yi and Chen Weiwen attended the meeting and reported the work of the trade union to the inspection team.
Guangdong Hongchuan Group Party Branch Volunteer Service Action "Send Love"---Into Shaoguan
Passionate, love flies. In order to help children in poverty-stricken areas grow up healthily and happily, carry forward the traditional virtues of helping the poor and help them form a good social trend of mutual help and mutual love. On July 11, 2014, the party general branch of the group launched the “Send Love” activity and entered the Shaoguan City Milk. Guitou Town, Yuanyao Autonomous County, sent warmth and care to Dong'an Primary School and Huangcun Primary School.
Listening to the will of the people, working hard together, promoting development--the party general branch of the group to carry out a series of party mass education and practice activities
(Correspondent Xu Changmao) In order to carry out the party's mass line education practice activities in accordance with the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on the in-depth development of the party's mass line education practice activities in the whole party", the party general branch organization carried out a series of party mass line education. Practice activities, good results achieved.
Adding green pine lake, sowing hopes - remembering the first and second branches of the party general branch
Songshan Lake in March, the sun is shining, the spring flowers are blooming, and the tourists are weaving. On the occasion of the Arbor Day, the party general branch of the group carried out a special tree planting activity.
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