"True love, grow with you" - Taicang Yanghong Party and Political Work Group special school condolence activities

        On December 1st, 2017, the party branch of Taicang Yanghong Petrochemical Co., Ltd., together with the representatives of the trade union and the Communist Youth League branch, went to the Taicang Special Education School to carry out the "Love, Love, and Growth" love activities. The condolence group took the carefully prepared love materials such as sporting goods and daily necessities. The school’s principal Chen accepted the materials on behalf of the school and led the condolence group to visit the campus.

       Through communication with President Chen, the condolence group asked in detail about the diet, life, and study of special children. When it was learned that the special education school is currently facing a shortage of teachers and it is difficult to carry out large-scale activities, the condolence group expressed the hope that the two sides will strengthen in the future. Contact, our company will continue to pay attention to the needs of the school, and the places where we can help will do our best. Through this condolence and exchange, everyone was awe-inspiring to the teachers of the school and was moved by their love and responsibility.

       Conscientiously implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the important idea of "paying attention to special education and striving to make every child enjoy fair and quality education" is the responsibility of every enterprise and citizen. Obligation, Taicang Yanghong will also actively fulfill its social responsibilities and contribute to the promotion of the spirit of love and the dissemination of positive energy in society.
