Learn the spirit of the speech of Secretary of the Taicang City Committee, Shen Yu, and strive to be the outstanding party branch of the new era

        To commemorate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, under the direction of the Organization Department of Taicang Municipal Committee and the Party Working Committee of Taicang Port Area, on July 18, 2018, the Taicang Yanghong Party Branch launched the “5+X” Party Day Theme Activity and Learning Taicang Municipal Committee. Secretary Shen Shen’s speech on spiritual learning activities. More than 20 people including Lu Jianping, a party secretary, and party members and comrades attended the event.

       The meeting was led by Secretary Lu Jianping to lead the comrades of all party members to learn the contents of the speech of the Secretary of the Taicang Municipal Committee Shen Shen and to discuss. Around the requirements of Shen Yu's secretary for the party building work of non-public enterprises, party members have expressed their desire to set benchmarks and establish models in their respective posts, accelerate the party building to lead the enterprise construction, and focus on creating a new situation for the non-public party in the new era.

       Secretary Lu Jianping said that under the leadership of the Organization Department of Taicang Municipal Committee and the Party Working Committee of Taicang Port, under the great attention of the company's leaders, the Taicang Yanghong Party Branch should fully integrate the party building and enterprise characteristics, give play to the party members' exemplary role, and build the party building. The work really understands the situation, really studies the problems, and solves the difficulties. With the spirit of “nailing the nails”, the tasks of party building are truly put in place. In the future work, we will play a fine tradition and work hard to improve the development of the work of the Taicang Yanghong Party branch.
