The re-election of the general manager of the Hongchuan Group was successfully completed.

        Secretary Liu Yan of the Party Branch of the Group put forward three hopes for the new Youth League Committee and the majority of the members. The first is to strengthen the awareness of learning and enhance the overall combat effectiveness of the youth. Constantly improve the overall quality and give play to the role of the new force. The second is to strengthen the sense of responsibility and enhance the cohesiveness of youth organizations. We must give full play to the role of the young pioneers in promoting development, strengthen the sense of youth responsibility, work hard, and act positively. The third is to strengthen the awareness of talents and enhance the core competitiveness of Hongchuan.

        The majority of youth members of the league said that they will continue to strengthen their studies, improve their overall quality, and firmly establish their dedication and dedication, and actively make their due contributions to the company's development.