The Party Branch of Hongchuan Group Study and Implement the Spirit of the "18th National Congress"
Comrade Liu Yan organized the participants to learn the party's "Report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" and shared his experience in studying the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. At the same time, he asked all party members to strengthen business learning and combine the actual position of the department in 2013. Various work.
The re-election of the general manager of the Hongchuan Group was successfully completed.
In order to further strengthen the construction of grassroots league organizations and give full play to the role of the staff assistants of the Party branch of the Hongchuan Group, the group’s general branch held a general meeting of members of the group, and re-elected the branch of our company. And the election of a secret ballot vote resulted in a new session of the Communist Youth League. Mr. Liu Yan, vice president of the group, secretary of the party branch, comrade Chen Weiwen, member of the party branch, and 31 representatives of the general branch of the previous group attended the meeting.
The annual sports league kicked off and basketball badminton competed for Hongchuan
In order to enrich the amateur cultural life of the company's employees and deepen the communication between colleagues, on September 25, 2012, the Hongchuan Group's 2012 Sports League kicked off with the "Ruifeng Petrochemical Team" and "Sanjiang First Team" basketball tournaments. .
Hongchuan Group Party Group organized "Red Flag Party Volunteers" activities
On September 27th, under the organization of the group vice president and party branch secretary Liu Yan, more than 20 people from the group headquarters went to Songhu Lake, one of the eight scenic spots in Songshan Lake, and launched the “Red Flag Party Volunteer” activity to clear the scenic spot. Health corners, cleaning up the garbage, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members volunteers.
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