Taicang Port Terminal Enterprise Research Symposium was held in Taicang Yanghong

       On August 23, 2018, Jiangsu Taicang Port Management Committee held a symposium on terminal enterprises in Taicang Yanghong Petrochemical Co., Ltd. with the theme of “Strengthening the Construction of Party Building Alliance and Building the Brand of Taicang Port”. Mr. Yang, Secretary of the Working Committee of Taicang Port Management Committee, Zheng Guochang, Director of the Party and Government Office, Xie Jianhua, Deputy Director of the Party and Government Office, and representatives of the party branches of Wugang, Wanfang, Modern Containers and International Containers attended the meeting.

       At the meeting, the companies introduced the operation of their respective companies and the development of party building work, and discussed the problems of the company's approval process, job talents, and skill competition through discussion and exchange. Yang? Secretary first fully affirmed the party branch of Yanghong Petrochemical, the organizer of the conference. As a private enterprise with the support of the company's leaders and the efforts of the party branch and party members, the party building work has ideas and ideas, and the party building work and business management are well done. Convergence and development; and said that the Port Management Committee will do its utmost to help enterprises coordinate and solve problems, and truly realize the significance of opening a party building alliance.

       This meeting was held in our company, which showed that the working method of “going out” of Taicang Yanghong Branch was concretely implemented. At the same time, through exchanges, the branch also learned more about the party building experience and organizational life development of non-public enterprises, and strengthened the terminal enterprises. The close relationship between them to ensure a strong synergy and create a beautiful vision.
