Songshan Lake 2018 grassroots trade union exchange meeting held in Hongchuan

        On August 23, 2018, the Songshan Lake Federation of Trade Unions held a 2018 grass-roots trade union exchange meeting in Hongchuan. Songshan Lake Group Work Bureau Director Luo Ge, Deputy Director Wei Yang, Hongchuan Labor Union and Chairman and Representative from the grassroots labor union of the park 30 people attended the meeting; the meeting was hosted by Yin Liping.

        At the meeting, Gong Yulong, the representative of the National Trade Union's 15th National Congress and Dongguan Yuyuan Group Yusheng Footwear Co., Ltd., shared the experience of the trade unions. Participants exchanged experiences on how to standardize the formation of trade unions, how to promote the construction of employee culture, and how to better carry out trade union theme practice activities.

        Director Luo He said that the Songshan Lake Federation of Trade Unions, through active play of the functions of organization, rights protection and service, carried out key tasks such as union formation, rights protection, assistance and guarantee, and organized the three-year action implementation plan of the Dongguan Federation of Trade Unions. Stage work deployment, continuously expand the coverage of grassroots trade unions, continuously improve the standardization level of grassroots trade unions, and enhance the cohesiveness and attractiveness of trade unions.
